Advanced Paramedic Nurse Medical Training DVDs - 2 DVD Set
(Oral Airway) INSERTION
CRICOTHYROIDOTOMY  SUBCUTANEOUS INJECTION  OPEN CHEST WOUNDS  SEIZURES  AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATOR (A.E.D.)  DEMONSTRATION ON VITAL SIGNS  PATIENT ASSESSMENT DEMONSTRATIONS  PLUS Fractures & Dislocations, Amputations, A.E.D. Training, Heart Attack & Stroke, Adult, Child & Infant Airway Obstruction and CPR, Barrier Devices, Control Bleeding, Impaled Objects, Burns, Emergency Moves, Splinting, Ingestion Poisons, RICE, Physical Exam and Sample,   INITIAL ASSESSMENT & VIDEO DEMONSTRATIONS OF EXAMINATIONS OF:  Vital Signs, Abdomen Exam, Anterior Chest, Pevic Exam, Breast Exam, Chest & Lung Exam, Ears & Nose Exam, Eyes, Head Lymph Nodes Exam, Male & Female Genitalia Exam, Mouth & Neck Exam, Veins & Arteries, Neuro Exam, Rectal Exam, Rectalvaginal Exam, Lower Extremities, Anterior & Posterior Chest Exam, Head to Toe Examination, plus Over 55 Cases & Studies, plus - MUCH MUCH MORE.    Materials are as up to date as possible ALSO REVISED -NEW - NATIONAL C.P.R. TRAINING STANDARDS (2006) NEW: - National CPR Powerpoint Training Course (2006) NEW: - Hospital Bioterrorism Prep & Response Guide (2006) NEW: - Bioterrorism Readiness Plan: A Template for Healthcare Facilities(2006) NEW: - Public Health Response to Biological & Chemical Terrorism(2006) NEW: - Regulations to control communicable diseases(2006) NEW: - EDRUG DATABASE (2006) NEW: - Animal / Human Diseases - Compiled Diseases (2006) Paramedic Training and Study Manuals (2000) Animated Video lessons on the body systems (2005) Heart Beat Sounds and Lessons (2006) Lung Sounds and Lessons (2006) Fundamentals of First Aid (new) Fundamentals of Nursing Anatomy and Physiology (new) Pharmacology Drug Book Dose Calculator Glasgow Coma Scale BloodBorne Pathogens EKG Reading 12 LED EKG Heart Sounds Lung Sounds Trauma Critical Incident Stress Bailey's Surgical Text Manual Behrman Text on Pediatrics Manual Emergency Diagnosis 5th Ed. Manual Oxford Text of Public Health 4th Ed. Manual The Intern Survival Guide The Hospitalist Handbook 12 Lead EKG The Bioterrorism Prep & Response Guide Asthma Management Guide EKG Download Program for your Palm Pilot Sleep Apnea Video Heart Disease on Asian Americans Heart Disease on African Americans Body Mass Index Faces pain scale - revised   WITH OVER 2500 MEDICAL TEST QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS   HUMAN ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY  **NOTE**  A name I created in school to help remember the 10 body systems - MEDICNURSR (medic Nurse er) M.uscular System E.ndocrine System D.igestive System I.ntegumetary System C.irculatory System N.ervous System U.rinary System R.espiratory System S.keletal System R.eproductive System  The body systems are the roots to learning the body as a whole.  You will get text as well as some of the most comprehensive real life looking diagrams of each body system and each part within    YOU WILL ALSO LEARN:
 You will also learn characteristics of the major common EKG Diagnoses
ECG   ALSO LEARN ABOUT Auscultation is perhaps the most important and effective clinical technique you will ever learn for evaluating a patient’s respiratory function.
 ALSO ENCLUDED PRACTICAL EXAM QUESTIONS for NURSING, MEDICAL & PARAMEDICINE  DIABETES classifications; standards of medical care; hypoglycemia & hyperglycemia; management of Diabetes; with 3 powerpoint presentations & 5 videos clips, etc. ASTHMA Diagnosis & management of Asthma; measures of assessment; factors contributing to Asthma severity; Pharmacologic therapies; Pathophysiology of Asthma; 2 - school asthma education powerpoint slide shows, asthma management Zip, etc. CHOLESTEROL & WEIGHT EDUCATION Body mass Index; healthy eating during pregnancy; identification & treatment of obesity; detection & evaluation; helping your overweight child; metabolic syndrome; goals & treatments; drug therapies; specific dyslipidemias; 2 - powerpoint presentation on portion distortions, etc. PREGNANCY Trimesters of pregnancy, pregnancy from the beginning; common symptoms that you may incounter; 6- powerpoint presentations on high blood pressure; etc. PHARACOLOGY Chemical periodic table; S.I. conversion chart; temperature scale; pharmacology mathematics; drug study guide; drug dosage & therapies; pharmacology I, II, III; EDrug database zip, etc MENTAL HEALTH Guide to Managing Stress; Challenging Stereotypes; Anxiety Disorders, Depression; Suicide & suicide Intervention; Eating Disorders; Schizophrenia; Bipolor disorders; Helping children who is expressing anger; ADD/ADHD; children with mental health disorders; Alternative therapies; PTSD; Trauma; Nightmares; Myths about bad parenting; self harm; addiction & mental health; psychosocial issues for children youth in disasters; recovery; powerpoint presentations in: behavioural emergencies for EMTs; behavioural emergencies; crisis intervention; psychaitric disorders; plus a lot more; ETC. THE HEART Signs & Symptoms of possible Heart Attack or Stroke; Heart Attack Signs pocket Card; Detection & Evaluation of High Blood Pressure; 6- Powerpoint Presentations on Patients with Coronary Syndrome; Guidelines for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in women; High Blood Pressure in Children; Management of Diastolic Heart Failure; Pathophysiology of Pulmonary Embolism; Pathophysiology of Myocardial Infarction; 10 commandments for a health heart; Pulmonary Auscultation; videos on Latino Discussion on Heart Attack; Native American Tribal Elder talk on Heart; other videos from survivors of heart attacks; etc DISEASES Compiled Diseases; diseases in health emergencies -hurricanes; Emerging Infectious Diseases; Animal to Human Diseases; Meningococcal Meningitis; T.B. Infection; Regulations to control Communicable Diseases; EMS Guide to Infection Control; powerpoint presentation on Blood Borne Pathogens; etc ALSO INCLUDED DOSAGE CALCULATOR ZIP ABG DECODER ZIP BASIC VITALS ZIP GLASGOW COMA SCALE ZIP HOSPITAL BIOTERRORISM PREP & RESPONSE ZIP HOSPITAL HANDBOOK ZIP MEDICAL FIRST RESPONDER TRAINING ZIP MNEMONICS ZIP PEDIATRICS POCKET PC ZIP THE INTERN SURVIVAL GUIDE ZIP 3- POWERPOINT LESSONS ON CRONIC RENAL FAILURE & RENOVASCULAR HYPERTENSION PLUS MUCH MUCH MORE |