Swift Water Rescue Skills Training DVD
Product Description:Â
 Swiftwater Rescue (also called "whitewater rescue") is a subset of technical rescue that involves the use of specially trained personnel, ropes, and mechanical advantage systems often much more robust than those used in rope rescue because of the added pressure of moving water. The main goal is to use or deflect the water’s power to assist in the rescue of the endangered person(s), as in most situations there is no easy way to overcome the power of the water. One of the most potentially challenging and multidiscipline incidents fire service personnel may face is Swiftwater Rescue. It is a dynamic environment that tends to be physically and mentally challenging due to the duration and unpredictable environment. Not only must the mechanical issues of stabilization be considered, but patients may also be facing traumatic injuries & hypothermia .  NFPA Standards In the USA and Canada, rope rescue is covered under National Fire Protection Association(NFPA) 1670 Standard on Operations and Training for Technical Rescue, which defines 3 increasing levels of capability: Awareness, Operational, Technician. Of these, the Swiftwater Rescue Technician (SRT) is divided into 3 sections: Swiftwater Rescue Technician I; SRT II; and SRT III. It is up to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) to decide what level is required to operate within a technical rescue environment.  NFPA 1670 Here are some of the subjects to be covered: Learning Objectives: